Friday, November 18, 2016

Union Academy Volunteers for Hunger and Homeless Candlelight Vigil

Photo from the Union Academy Newsletter, Nov. 17, 2016
Each year Union Academy chooses a community need to support during the school year. The Union County Community Shelter was the top choice for 2016-2017. On Monday, November 14th, staff and students volunteered to provide and serve food for the Union County Hunger and Homeless Candlelight Vigil. Headmaster Dr. Ann Walters led the volunteer effort serving a pork barbecue dinner and speaking on Union Academy's commitment to serve the community.

The candlelight vigil is part of the Union County Community Shelter's annual Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, held nationally each year the week prior to Thanksgiving. "This is a time for us all to start to reflect on what we are thankful for. It is also a perfect time to share our compassion with our neighbors who are experiencing homelessness, and work toward a world where no one has to experience Hunger and Homelessness," said Kathy Bragg, Executive Director of the shelter.

Volunteering at this event opened the eyes and hearts of all involved. "This makes me rethink my Christmas wish list," said UA junior LeKayla Love. "Those kids were just like me," said 2nd grader Gage Brun.

A National School of Character provides opportunities for moral action (Principle 5) and defines character to include thinking, feeling, and doing (Principle 2). Volunteering at the Candle light vigil on Hunger and Homelessness is an example of why Union Academy received the designation as a National School of Character.

 Click here to learn more about the Union County Community Shelter: 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

UA Appreciates Community Helpers!

On Wednesday, November 9th, the lower campus hosted its first Community Luncheon. "This was a chance for our school to say thank you to many of our community partners and to help students realize that little acts of respect have a big impact, " said Mr. Bretz, lower campus principal.  Thirteen members of the community attended the luncheon and ate lunch with a select group of Kindergarten through Fourth Grade students.  The mayor of Monroe, Union County sheriff officers, firemen, and a United States veteran, were among the many community members honored at the lunch. Strong partnerships with the community is a hallmark of a National School of Character (Principle 10) and this luncheon exemplified Union Academy's commitment to maintaining and recognizing those partnerships.